Aesthetic Skin Care Clinic in Montreal



Many people mistakenly think that thermocoagulation belongs to the medical field. But you should know that Medical Aestheticians in Quebec are allowed to treat skin problems with this technique. We are specially trained in thermocoagulation from a school that is recognized in the industry, by the Association des Professionnels en Électrolyse et Soins Esthétiques du Québec (APESEQ) At Dermazur, the consultation is free and the treatment costs a fraction of the price of a dermatologist. Furthermore, the waiting time for an appointment is almost instantaneous. During a consultation, we will explain the procedure, examine your skin to make sure that your lesion is benign and then determine if we can treat you. At that time, we will also determine if the anomaly can be improved during one treatment or if repeated treatments are necessary.


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What is Thermocoagulation?

Thermocoagulation uses a high-frequency current to coagulate targeted tissue on contact. The current passes through a fine needle, producing the ideal temperature to burn away imperfections while preserving the epidermis.
This safe and proven outpatient procedure is used on skin imperfections and other vascular lesions, such as skin tags, spider veins, and angiomas. Also, it’s fast, gentle, minimally invasive, and causes only slight discomfort. Each treatment takes between 15 to 30 minutes, and most conditions are treated within one to three sessions. Finally, there is also no downtime, bruising or scarring or hyper-pigmentation post treatment, so it’s a popular treatment option.

The Thermocoagulation Process

First, we coagulate the capillary`s dilated section, causing the blood to solidify. This interrupts the blood flow, redirecting it to the closest capillaries. Once treated, healing is quick, taking within 5 to 21 days. This treatment causes no scar tissue, but there is some imperceptible scabbing, usually the size of a pinpoint. Scabs fall off during the healing window (5-21), leaving healthy skin in its place.

What Can Thermocoagulation Treat ?

Thermocoagulation safely treats skin lesions and blood anomalies. Some examples of skin lesions include pigmented spots (e.g., sun or age spots), milia, senile keratoses (liver spots), skin tags, and molluscum pendulum. Examples of blood anomalies include Campbell spots, telangiectasia, spider veins, and cherry angiomas. A thorough consultation is required before beginning treatment to ensure safety. Moreover, a physician’s recommendation is needed before treating skin lesions, such as pigmented spots.

What Causes Blood-Related Skin Anomalies?

Both your environment and genetics contribute to blood-related skin anomalies. For instance, sun exposure, strenuous activities, extreme temperature fluctuations, injury, age, and medication can cause unsightly blood vessels and pigmented spots.

Telangiectasia (Broken Capillaries)

Telangiectasia is a cluster of tiny permanently dilated pre-capillaries that have lost their elasticity, become enlarged, and are visible through the skin. They appear as tiny connected lines and can often lead to rosacea. The smaller the lines (capillaries), the more effective the thermocoagulation treatment is.

Cherry Angiomas/Campbell Spots/Ruby Points

Cherry angiomas are red circular concentrations of dilated blood capillaries formed just under the skin. They are either small and flat or thick and slightly raised. Most ruby points are genetically programmed to appear, but they worsen with hot temperatures, alcoholic beverages, and spicy foods. Once formed, broken capillaries are permanent, but they can be removed via thermocoagulation.

Spider Veins

As the name suggests, these concentrations of dilated capillaries look like spiders. They have a red circular centre with smaller telangiectasia spreading out from it, like spider legs. They can form at any age and mostly appear under the eyes and on the sides of the nose. Treat spider veins early using thermocoagulation for better results.

Molluscum Pendulum/Skin Tags

Skin tags are small, soft, and benign growths of epithelium that protrude from the surrounding skin. They can appear either somewhat flat or raised and flesh-colored or darker. With age, these skin imperfections develop in friction areas, such as the chest, neck, armpits, and groyne. In general, they are easily removed using the Thermocoagulation tool. Unfortunately, they cannot be removed from eyelids because of their proximity to the eyes.

Milia /Milk Spots

Milk spots are raised white bumps the size of pinheads usually found near the eyes and nose. These skin imperfections are clogged sweat glands that feel like small grains of sand trapped under the skin. They usually develop in groups when skin flakes get trapped under the skin’s surface. Thankfully, Millia are benign and can be treated by a licensed aesthetician using thermocoagulation.

Cholesterol Deposit/Xanthelasma

Small yellowish growths or papules, slightly elevated. It is caused by the accumulation of cholesterol, bad fat, in the skin. It can come from changes in the metabolism of fats in the blood. Mostly localized in the eyes

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

Dermatosis papulosa nigra presents as various 1-5 mm diameter, smooth, firm, dark brown or black papules. These anomalies are found on the necks and faces of people of colour.

Senile Keratosis

Typically found on older adults, senile keratosis is the most common noncancerous lesion. They look like elevated waxy dry warts, are either brown or black, and can be found on the back, chest, face, and shoulders. Although harmless and painless, you may have them removed using thermocoagulation. Still, have your keratosis cleared by a doctor before treatment.

Pigmented Spot / Hyperpigmentation

Melanin is the pigment that gives your skin its colour, so hyperpigmentation results in patches of unusually dark skin. This skin anomaly occurs when melanin production is damaged or increased. Thankfully, hyperpigmentation is harmless and painless, and it can be safely treated using thermocoagulation.
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